Our Dental Services

  • What is a root canal?

Endodontic treatment, more commonly known as root canal therapy, is necessary when the pulp of your tooth becomes inflamed or infected. With proper care, an Endodontically treated tooth will function normally for years to come.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Moderate to severe lingering toothache pain when drinking hot or cold liquids or foods.
  • Moderate to severe pain when biting on a tooth
  • Sensitivity to tapping or pressure on the tooth
  • Toothache that wakes you up in the middle of the night
  • A pimple on your gum that may release pus or blood
  • Radiating pain from one area of the mouth to another

Why Choose Me Smile Dental of Tukwila?

Highly trained specialist in complex dental dental care and cosmetic rehabilitation
Extensive Post-Graduate Training and Expert in the Fields of:

  • Implant and Restorative Dentistry
  • Prosthodontics
  • Endodontics
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • General Dentistry
Call (206) 623-2666
Come See Us
Online Appointment


Address: 411 Strander Blvd,  Ste  204 Tukwila,  WA 98188

Phone: 253-487-5104  Fax 253 236 5628

Office Hours: 9am-6pm Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Email: [email protected]